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Winter 2012/13

I love autumn/winter because its the time the Short Eared Owls arrive back down south. I've been lucky enough to catch up with a fair few at a variety of different places from the mountains of the Brecon Beacons all the way to the shore line of the river severn.

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When winter really arrived, with the snow falling very heavilly, I was out with my camera to see how the wildlife was coping. I was suprised to see so little out, taking advantage of all the grain/food that people leave.

    I saw this very hansdome Robbin though, who gave me quite the show, these little birds can be so tame when they're used to humans, this little fella landed on my hand to take some seeds.

    I've also made the most of all this snow to go out and do some tracking, I was suprised to to find such a variety of animals that live so close to my home, which I never knew were there. I found a fox den, which had loads of activity, so that'll be exciting to stake out in the near future, I also found stoat tracks close to the fox den which is very good news, I've been wanting to see a stoat for a very long time, so wish me luck. Hopefully i'll see the foxes and the stoats. Patience is all I need.

Elliott Curtis Photography

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